4v2+1 Rondo
Key Objectives
Get players playing off 1 or 2 touch, moving the ball quickly and combining with teammates
Technical/Coaching Points
The player in the middle is the focus of coaching, how to create space through movement
Quality of passes to where the player is moving
Communication between the player on the inside and those on the outside
Mark out a square roughly 10x10. 4 player round the outside, 3 in the middle. 1 of the middle players will play in possession with the players on the outside, so the 2 defenders centrally holding bibs
How to play
Players on the outside attempt to keep possession, points are awarded if they are able to combine with their teammate centrally
If a defender successfully regains possession then they swap with the player on the team in possession
If your plays find this too easy or too difficult, you could progress the game in the following ways:
Alter the space
Add more or remove defenders from the middle
Limit touches